Our Current Team

Brian Eames

Principal Investigator

Tuanjie Chang

Research Associate

Jean-Sebastien Gauthier


website: http://jsgauthier.com

Patsy Gomez-Picos

PhD student, Anatomy and Cell Biology

Rafaela Grecco Machado

PhD student, Anatomy and Cell Biology

Joseph Atake

PhD student, Anatomy and Cell Biology

Elham Koosha

PhD candidate, Anatomy and Cell Biology

Hamed Alizadeh Sardroud

PhD candidate, Biomedical Engineering

Jason Nguyen

MSc student, Anatomy and Cell Biology

Katie Ovens

PhD student, Computer Science Co-supervised with Ian McQuillan

Farhana Yasmin

MSc student, Biomedical Engineering Co-supervised with Daniel Chen

Monica Salud

Lab Helper

Albert Mark

Fish Technician


(mouse-over and click to manually scroll through images)

Dept. Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology,
107 Wiggins Rd,
Saskatoon, SK, Canada, S7N 5E5


Office: 2D01.3 HSC, (306)966-6534
Lab: B314 HSC, (306)966-4087